Monday, August 15, 2011

Interview with Micah Black. Author of Rise of the Fallen

The rain falls in torrents as I rush down the street to find apartment candidate specifically asked I take the bus??  Well it did stop only 2 blocks away so I guess it's better than walking. It is almost 9:30pm and already dark.

 Drunks litter the steps as I reach the apartment block. Scooting past them as they lift their weary eyes at me I dash up the stairs, too afraid to use the lift in case I find something nasty inside. I reach Apt. 40A - The door is open. I put my ear to the door and listen. 

"Come in, female" The voice that spoke to me was..hollow... nothing there.  Of course he knew I was there.. shaking my head I nudge the door with my foot.  The apartment was vast.. shutters were up.. no need to hide from the nights cover..

"Uhmm... Hello? I am Sara..we have an appointment? " Assuming he remembered since the door was open.... I continue into the room and see the male sat on the floor, leaning against his couch.. he lights up a smoke and beckons me to sit on the chair across from him

 He looks tired.. no..exhausted.. withdrawn...pale is the understatement.

I sit and take out my books, he seems to be waiting so I start:
You seem a creature of great mystery, Micah... Can you tell us something about yourself..background. Where you came from?

Micah: I come from the Old Country. That’s how we refer to it now. It’s primarily made up of what are referred to as the Slavic countries now. *Brushes back his thick, black hair, his black silk shirt hanging loosely –  too loosely –  from his shoulders* I haven’t been eating much, *he says, self-consciously lowering his arm and trying to hide just how thin he is. The sleeve had slipped to expose his scarred forearm and he hastily brushed it back down to cover his skin* My mate left me and I’ve been a bit…uhm…depressed, to say the least.

Sara- *Not sure if sorry for you will cut it I carry on and not say a word*

Quote: from material- "What we see in ourselves, we despise in others. "
Do you believe this statement?

Micah- Yes. We don’t want to see our weaknesses because then we’d hate ourselves. So instead, we project that anger onto others who we perceive to have the same weaknesses we do. I mean, right now I’m struggling with demons of weakness, self-loathing, and self-abuse. If someone who held those values walked in this room right now, I’d beat the shit out of them. *Looking down shamefully* No, I’m not quite right in the head right now. Losing Jackson – he is – was my mate – has kinda fucked me up.
Sara- *I sit for a moment and watch his as his thoughts trail away.. I fumble in my bag whilst giving him  some time.  He drops back a shit and looks at I clear my throat and continue*
Quote: from Material- "Perhaps he sought what he had lost, for he was only half alive now" This is regarding the loss of Jackson. Do you think you will ever feel whole again?

Micah- I don’t know. I really don’t know. Jackson and I had been together a while. I thought he was it for me. But…well…he didn’t feel the same way. I had a wife before, though. I loved her, not like I loved Jackson, but I loved her. I’d like to think that there is another out there for me if Jackson wasn’t the right one, but…I don’t know…I’m not thinking too clearly about shit right now.
Sara- *Not wanting to press about the wife thing..never knew that.. I continue*

Quote: from material- "But no…Jackson had already moved on to another, hadn’t he? Micah had felt it. Knew it to be true. Jackson…in another’s arms…bodies entwined. He would never be Micah’s again"
Would you want Jackson after this?

Micah- Yes. *He said it without hesitation, breaking down in tears.* I love him. I’m miserable without him. I want him back more than I want to live. *Micah isn’t in the most rational frames of mind…he’s losing his touch on reality in more ways than one, manic depression having fully set in at this point.*
Sara- *Startled by the males burst of emotion I lean forward and puts a tissue on the floor, he ignores the gesture, Not from ill manners, just ...from  not even seeing it. ..he is so distracted in his loss he is not really here.*
Quote: from material- "Only one thing could squelch the nauseating, aching hunger when it rose up. Pain. Suffering. Agony - This is a very "worrying human "way of dealing with one’s own pain. Why is it that you state yours that way also?

Micah- *Composing himself, he swipes the back of his hand over his cheeks, wiping away the tears* I’m sorry, what was the question? Oh…oh, never mind. I’ve got ya. Uhm, why do I state my way of dealing with my pain that way? *Shame fills his face, along with a hint of lust as he thinks about the three things he needs most right now. A dazed and drowsy smile quirks his face as his eyes fade out of focus, then he blinks and catches himself, glancing back up* Pain, suffering, and agony. They’re my friends right now. They’re all I’ve got to take away the ache of Jackson’s loss. They make me feel good. Sick, huh? *Looks away again, guilt and shameful acceptance coating his expression.

Sara- *My own pain for this male creeps within me.. yet Knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do for him,  these are his demons, his battles..I continue*

Quote: from material- "Not like he cared if the sun rose and crisped him like a burned side of pork. Right now death would be a gift." -  Then This seems a gift, Now?

 Micah- Yes, I am secretly pursuing death as my means to release myself from this horrible pain that I’m feeling.

 Sara- Do you still get premonitions?

 Micah- I get them, but haven’t gotten them for a while. So, the one I had recently totally freaked me up the ass. Came out of nowhere and gutted me.
Sara- instability. (my notes ignore that)

Quote: "Jackson had left him. His mate. His love. The one Micah’s vampire genetics had chosen as the one for all eternity. Yeah, eternity had come much too soon, and now Micah was left alone. Jackson had never bonded to Micah the way Micah had to him" - Why had you not completed the bonding process?

Micah- *shrugs* Who knows? As far as I was concerned, we were together. Why my biology chose him and he didn’t choose me? I don’t know the answer.

OOC questions and answer's
Sara-  What  music do you find helps you become this person you portray in your material and write the way you do of him?
Quote: "I was influenced by the music of Korn as I wrote this piece. I needed a deep, dark place and Korn provided that with "Hollow Life," "Right Now,"

Micah OOC – Author response: Korn has been exceptional in taking me, the author, to the dark depths to capture just how far gone Micah is. He is full of self-destruction and self-hatred right now. He blames himself for Jackson leaving. Hollow Life and Right Now were PERFECT songs for where he is mentally. Pink Floyd’s The Wall is also inspirational, especially Comfortably Numb, Hey You, and Run Like Hell. But most of the time, I turn Pandora on and listen to one of my custom radio stations. Enigma, Jens Gad, JES, Oceanlab, Sarah Connor and Giulietta are among some of my favorites. I don’t usually listen to mainstream music when I write because they don’t normally evoke the same emotional responses as off-the-main music does.
Sara- Quote: I am adding a bunch of new characters to this SL with the next chapter. Micah has friends who are beginning to worry about him, and he is fast-approaching rock bottom. I think Micah will surprise himself and find he has a reason to live, after all.

Do you think you will move on from this and reform from it?

Micah- *shrugs* Only time will tell. Either it will kill me or make me better.
Sara- What, apart from Jackson, if anything, made you sated? Is there another side to the dark Micah this material portrays or is this who he is?

Micah- I’ve always had a hard life. I’ve lost so much. As a result, I never expected anything good to happen to me and kept my emotions tucked away deep, just so I wouldn’t experience this kind of hurt again. But damn it if Jackson didn’t find a way in. He sated me – he was the first thing in centuries to do so. I actually smiled again when I was with him. In the end, I’m a pretty dark individual. Always have been, always will be.
Sara- *I smile a little as I stand and say my thanks and goodbyes,, he does not at all waved by the fact that I feel the need to leave... My heart is heavy.  His sadness chokes this place..I step out onto the street. it is no longer raining... I walk home,  wondering the whole way ..if anything..did he feel any release from talking about it?...I will never see the male again.. but I leave the apartment telling myself he does....

To learn more about Micah,, find him here..

To read his Story Rise of the Fallen.